
My Goal My Ambition🧚‍♂️

  My Goal My Ambition Hello readers! Happy new year everyone! As you already see in the title, in this blog I will be talking about the goals that I’m hoping to achieve in 2023. In addition to my previous blog which is titled “Building Hope💫”, if you have already seen that blog, you’ll know that I have a dream of becoming a doctor. One of my goals and the biggest goal that I want to achieve this year is to get accepted into the faculty of medicine at Padjadjaran University or the University of Indonesia. In order to achieve that of course there are things that I must do. This year I will need to study harder by at least practicing questions for SNBT every day sufficiently as well as studying for school subjects so I can improve my grades and prepare myself for final school exams. I will also go to the tutoring class diligently to study more. As for my other goals, I want to be healthier, physically and mentally by exercising and trying to force myself to rest if my body has become tir

News Item📰🦠

  News Item Project This picture down here is my group project for the topic News Item. As you can see, here we talk about the increasing demand for the second Covid-19 boosters. Besides reading from this picture, you can add more knowledge about this issue by searching from qualified news sources. So now, I want to ask you a few questions related to the topic. You can answer this with your friends or by yourself💫 1. What does the text mainly talk about? 2. How is the importance or priority of the second Covid-19 booster in Indonesia? 3. What do you think about the second Covid-19 booster? Is it necessary? How do you feel about the government's choice? 4. How is the structure of the text? 5. What can we conclude from the text?

Building Hope💫

  Building Hope Hello readers, we're back again with another blog! In this blog, I will be talking about my hope and goals for my future. To give you some context, I'm currently studying in the 12th grade of high school. So obviously I only need a few steps left before I study at the university. Many of my friends have already planned for the future. But some of them are actually still in a dilemma, including me. Honestly, since I was little I always have dreamed about becoming a doctor someday. Of course, I still have that passionate feeling about becoming a doctor. But I always kinda doubt myself these days just because the future that I'm hoping to become is actually what almost everybody dreamed of. Every time I ask my friends what they want to pursue in university, almost all of them said the same thing, "I want to go to medical school".  Every time they answer that, I always question myself, "Am I able to achieve my dream?" "Am I capable enoug

About Myself🦋

A Little Story About Myself Hello everyone!! As you may not know, or you actually have zero idea who i actually am, my name is Nandia Azka Rahmani and you can call me Nandia. Most people do actually call me Nandia but for some, they prefer to call me by other calling cause they think “Nandia” is too long, so some people called me dia, nanan, nan, or even nandi. I’m seventeen years old and was born on 15th of November 2004.  I am currently studying as a high school student in a number one high school at Bandung right now, and that is SMAN 3 Bandung. I’m in eleventh grade right now. Speaking of school, if you’re wondering what my favourite subjects are, i love biology and chemistry, but i’m not a fan of math and physics, it’s stressing me out, i don’t even know how there are actually people who love those subjects.  Right now, i live with my parents and my younger sister in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. My dad is a coal private employee, and my mom is a fulltime housewife, as for my sis